So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God.” – Mark 11:22

“A mother to the motherless”

Laura Davis has touched countless lives, even mine. She has been such a Blessing. Her obedience of being a servant of God I have seen. She has gone places that a lot of people wouldn’t go to give a helping hand. Growing up an environment where it was so hard to dream, Ms.Laura Davis helped make my dreams a reality. She gave the word, not just by teaching it but by living it. What she showed the most was the LOVE of Christ. It was evident that the Lord sent her my way. She has been a mother to the motherless and a father to the fatherless. I am proud to have Ms.Davis as a part of my life for the last 12 years and counting. I count it as an honor to be able to call her Auntie. She has been that and even more. I can honestly say that Auntie has traveled in the wilderness as the Disciples of Jesus Christ did. She is fulfilling her purpose and helping others, like me, to discover their purpose. My auntie has taken her cross, as Christ and the disciples did, and so did I. Glory be to God.

Roscoe Houston (CA)

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